Spacewell Energy and JustaEnergía helped Privalia Reduce Energy Costs
Privalia is a leading fashion and lifestyle outlet in Spain, Italy, Brazil and Mexico. In 2019 its sales reached £480 million.
The management of energy consumption in Privalia facilities started to be a priority as the energy price was increasing non stop.
Using Spacewell Energy by Dexma's technology and hand in hand with the partner JustaEnergía, Privalia managed to:
Optimise the contracted power, reducing costs by 16%.
Optimise the lighting systems, reducing the consumption by 30%.
- Monitor, control and adjust the HVAC systems.
And all these actions had a return on investment in less than 2 months.
Project implemented by:

"The Spacewell Energy by Dexma Platform paid for itself in record time. Justa Energía and the Spacewell Energy Platform have helped us to continually reduce our energy consumption and meet our environmental sustainability program objectives."