Save Money by Investing in Public Services
Public administration have a huge energy savings potential.
They consume hundreds of kWh across geographically dispersed locations. They can see quick results if they put in place energy efficiency plans, like the Spanish Ministry of Justice did:
- Centralise energy providers to negotiate better pricing.
- Optimise power use.
- Analyse peaks and monitor what happens in each location.
Nowadays, saving energy is not only important for your finances, but you also have an ethical obligation. While service to citizens must be maintained, many public services are under pressure to cut costs. Energy is normally the third highest cost in an organisation.
Don't compromise on services to citizens: save energy and stay productive in an efficient and comfortable environment for public servants.
"We use the Spacewell Energy by Dexma Platform as our reference software in the sector, both for compatibility with the bulk of hardware manufacturers in Spain and for its usability and recognition in the sectors in which we work."